Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7 - AM Unplugged ...

Today is going to be a strange day ... I left the only wall charger that is still intact and working to my phone at my grandparents' last night ... My mind is reeling ( which reminds me, I really want to go fishing ) - so I will start off today sharing my quiet time with you all, and letting you know what all I would like to accomplish today... and without Words With Friends & Scrambble with Friends, I may actually get all this done! :) 1. start supper 2. get all the laundry finished up 3. get all the stuff from my car out of the kitchen ( I cleaned the Yuki out yesterday) 4. get my recliner upstairs 5. get all the bathrooms clean.

1 John 1:2
What I have grown to love about John is how simply he speaks, although it's difficult to take his writings verse by verse sometimes. To know that we have to words of one of Jesus' best friends about his life, who he was, that's pretty amazing....makes me think: if I were going to have someone tell my story, who would it be? my coworkers, would all their stories line up as well as the inspired writers of the Bible? I love words, when I read something I think is important, I like to find out exactly what the words mean, how they were meant in the context, and how I can apply it to my bear with me as I continue to dissect 1 John 1:2 :

"(for the Life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that Eternal Life, which was with the Father and was manifested unto us)"

- The Life - Jesus, Salvation through Jesus - manifested - verb (past tense): to exhibit, or make plain - bear: (verb) bring, endure, give birth -witness (verb) : testify, authenticate, tell the truth of something -show (verb): to actively exhibit something - Eternal Life: Jesus, the son of the trinity -The Father: God, the father of the trinity

Jesus was made plain to the disciples, they endured to testify and tell the truth of who He was. To actively exhibit His Love, His Grace, His Plan for salvation. This too is our job, as his followers.
As I go throughout my day, how can I "actively exhibit" Christ's Love in my life for the world to see?

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your Son, and allowing him to lay his life down for my sins, so that I could have a relationship with you. I know if I had been in charge of the redemption process we would all be toast. I will never understand how you allowed men to hurt your Son, to save me. Thank you for your Word, and having men like John write it plainly so someone as simple as myself could attempt to understand your Love. I know I fail miserably in being holy, because it's not my job. But I do know, I am wholly Yours, I am forgiven, I am made whole by only Your love. And Lord, I pray you will give my future husband the clarity of mind to know that the main thing is, that I am yours. I may not be what he thought his perfect wife would be, but God let him know you made me just for him. Let him fall more deeply in love with who You are, so that you can lead his heart to mine.

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