Sunday, June 17, 2012


There are moments in life when I'm not real sure how I've gotten into half the situations I've been in. How I've lived through them, or why I had to face them. Moments that have changed my life forever: the way I see the world, the way I see people, the way I have perceived Christ. I've questioned God, I have screamed at him & demanded answers I have cried out in prayer & at the end of the day I've finally realized. I'm not and never will be in control. I don't have to know why or how. I just have to know the who. The Who that has covered my past with his blood, holds my hand as I get through today & has every hope I will need for tomorrow.
I'm not & have never claimed to be perfect. I have skeletons in my closet, I have a past that I'm not proud of...but one thing I know. Without a shadow of a doubt. Is that I am forgiven by the King of Glory.

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