It's been a day! :)
I had an amazing day today, I started my day off with a great visit to the doctor's office for a biometeric screening .... (I didn't allow myself time to blog this morning * gotta get better at this time management thing!) ... then spent the day in Downtown Moultrie, GA visiting with some of my favorite shop owners, got all my paperwork situated at MTC so I can start classes in August, ate lunch with my Mom, and shelled peas with my Memaw...and accomplished losing two separate games of Words with Friends...yes, I am that terrible at it! With the chance to be in the quiet car for 20-30 minutes at the time alone, I have had a lot of time to think today.
Yes, I struggle ....
I can tell a big difference in my life after just a few days of making the Word and time spent in prayer a priority, and not just something I would do when I could get around to it. I see little "God" things throughout the day... I'm generally a happier person ... BUT
I know I have a target on my back, because when Satan sees you growing in your faith, he will target your weakness, the blessings God bestows on you, he tries to turn into a stumbling block ... and I can see that a little in my heart right now. Being emotionally involved in people is something I am good at, I can pour myself into people, and in the past that has hurt me, it's one of my biggest weaknesses & strengths .... God has sent an amazing friend in my life who has shown me that there are still Godly, good, sweet people in this world who don't have ulterior motives for their friendship (the fact that he's a Man, makes that a miracle!) . As much as this friendship has been a Godsend and an indescribable blessing...Satan has attacked my heart so much the past few days, throwing darts of worry, bitterness of old friendships that have fallen apart, questions about whether I could have deeper feelings that friendship...I'm just struggling with how to be the friend I need to be without becoming too emotionally tangled up, because as much as he has every quality I've ever asked for in a husband, I know he is my friend and that is all he needs to be. And my impatient, selfish flesh being attacked by Satan wishes that all my dreams have come true, but I know my heart, I know my place as God's daughter, I know my place as a friend, and I know I haven't received conformation that he is the man I need to date. And I will not allow my impatience to ruin any other aspect of my life. ((yes, I have asked for God to make specific things happen for me to know when and who I will date, see Isiah 7:11)
1 John 1:3
"that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ."
* My job as a disciple of Christ is to tell people about what He's done in my life! To want others to fellowship with me in His Glory! Because where two or more are gathered HE will be in our midst.
My Prayer for Today
Dear Lord,
Today, I come to you in Jesus name, thanking you for saving me, for giving me great things to tell others about. Thank you for giving me the desire to want to fellowship with fellow Christians, I pray that you will help me as I try to find a church home where my spiritual talents can flourish for you, and I can worship you uninhibited, and in the presence of people who love you! Thank you for ****, and what his friendship has taught me about your love. The consistency and grace that he exhibits is because of his love for you. Thank you for using him to encourage me in my faith. I pray in your Son's name, that you will look after my Future Husband, bring revival to his soul, to his family, give him the desires of YOUR heart. Guard his heart against the Evil one, please remove any emotional entanglements in his life, that he may fall more in love with you.
In Jesus' Name,
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